Trapezius & Calf Slimming

Treatment can be used to ‘de-bulk’ the trapezius and calf muscles to give a more slender appearance, or assist with neck and shoulder pain from overused and overdeveloped muscles.

  • Trapezius is a large piece of muscle that covers the neck, shoulder and the back. We can use treatment to shrink this muscle which will create the appearance of a longer neck and straighter shoulders. It also helps with neck and shoulder pain from overused and overdeveloped muscles.

    Similar to neck slimming, calf slimming is used to remove unwanted leg thickness.

    • teatments are tailored to individual needs

    • there are minimal risks and almost no downtime

    • some effect is noticed 3-5 days after treatment, with results taking full effect at 2 weeks

    • helps those with neck and shoulder pain

    • gives a more contoured appearance

    • elongates the neck and legs

    • gives almost instant results

    • gives a more toned appearance

    • trapezius and calf size is often predetermined by genes and is hard to alter with exercise and diet